Icon for digikam
Icon for digikam

icon for digikam

_id def relativePath ( self ) -> str : """The album's path relative to the root (read-only)""" return self. _images # column properties def id ( self ) -> int : """The album's id (read-only)""" return self. _iconObj = value def images ( self ) -> List : # noqa: F821 """The album's images (no setter)""" return self. setter def icon ( self, value : Union ): # noqa: F821 if isinstance ( value, int ): value = self. _root # Relationships to Images def icon ( self ) -> Optional : # noqa: F821 """The album's icon, if set""" return self. See also: * Class :class:`~` """ _tablename_ = 'Albums' _root = relationship ( 'AlbumRoot', primaryjoin = 'foreign(Album._albumRoot) = AlbumRoot._id', back_populates = '_albums' ) _iconObj = relationship ( 'Image', primaryjoin = 'foreign(Album._icon) = Image._id', viewonly = True, uselist = False ) _images = relationship ( 'Image', primaryjoin = 'foreign(Image._album) = Album._id', back_populates = '_albumObj', lazy = 'dynamic' ) # Relationship to AlbumRoot def root ( self ) -> 'AlbumRoot' : # noqa: F821 """The album collection's root object (no setter)""" return self. base ): """ Represents a row in the table ``Albums``. getLogger ( _name_ ) def _album_class ( dk : 'Digikam' ) -> type : # noqa: F821 """ Defines the Album class """ class Album ( dk. exceptions import DigikamDataIntegrityError log = logging. """ Digikam Albums """ import logging import os from datetime import date from typing import List, Optional, Union from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from import MultipleResultsFound from.

Icon for digikam